I had been listening last week on the morning radio program of Fred Salanga
on DYEZ about a certain "Mom Arlene" who fixes cases on the Court of Appeals and
Supreme Court.
According to Salanga, it has the magnitude of the corruption of a Janet Napoles on PDAF.
Since I seldom see a newspaper now since I live in a farm, I have no good idea about what Fred Salanga is talking about. But sad as it is, the whole nation is suffering many injustices done by the courts in many ways.
My own dead father is a victim of such manipulation that we now inherited when a bank foreclosed his property when he was ailing. Our lawyer, Atty. Rex Remitio was able to prove in the lower court that it is the bank which owes my father. But the judge hearing it retired without giving a judgment. A new Judge later on made a judgment in favor of the bank without hearing it and despite that the bank had not even presented any evidence. It was sustained by the Court of Appeals and also by the Supreme Court. When it was questioned later on and our lawyers asked for an en banc presenting the errors, the Supreme Court just put the word "noted" which I come to believe that they could have seen the errors committed but did not act on it, making the decision moot and academic.
So now I believe the courts are not there to correct a mistake but to sustain the evil things that can come out haphazardly on the court decision. Perhaps because the rich may have fixers in the court the way Salanga says it.